18 de dezembro de 2012

Done by 'His' Book

Acometida por uma nostalgia aguda, relembro aqui uma das melhores séries (ou mesmo a melhor?) que a televisão americana nos trouxe!

Pode parecer estranho porque, afinal, a série não acabou assim há tanto tempo... Mas, para quem passou oito anos da sua vida a ligar semanalmente a televisão para ver esta série, alguns meses parecem séculos!

Mais tempo ainda se passou desde que a série estreou em 2004... Mas, ainda me lembro perfeitamente do primeiro episódio que vi!...

A cena que apresenta o elenco, em toda a sua glória, é uma das minhas preferidas. Se me pedissem para resumir a premissa do "House M.D.", apresentando uma cena, eu apresentaria esta.

Disclaimer: Written for love, not for profit. "House M.D." does not legally belong to me. It belongs to: David Shore who created it, Heel & Toe Films, Shore Z Productions, Bad Hat Harry Productions, Moratim Produktions, NBC Universal Television, Universal Media Studios who produced it and to Fox Network, who aired it. 

Images taken from Google search.

Doctor House and his staff looked at an MRI of her head. After spending some time in silence observing the MRI, Eric Foreman grew tired of seeing nothing and broke the silence: “It's a lesion.” The coarseness and lack of enthusiasm of that diagnosis annoyed the department head. “And the big green thing in the middle of the bigger blue thing on a map is an island. I was hoping for something a bit more creative-” “Shouldn't we be speaking to the patient before we start diagnosing?” asked Dr.  Foreman with a raised eyebrow. Using the same expression, House asked: “Is she a doctor?” “No, but...” “Everybody lies.” House replied with an unflappable determination. Dr. Foreman was stunned, unlike the other two doctors. “Dr. House doesn't like dealing with patients.” Dr. Allison Cameron murmured to her new colleague. “Isn't treating patients why we became doctors?” Dr. Foreman asked in the same tone. “No, treating illnesses is why we became doctors, treating patients is what makes most doctors miserable.” Dr. House clarified. “So you're trying to eliminate the humanity from the practice of medicine.” Dr. Foreman said, astonished. His boss simply shrugged and replied in the same placid tone: “If you don't talk to them they can't lie to us, and we can't lie to them... Humanity is overrated.” Dr. Cameron couldn’t get used to her boss’s view of mankind, no matter how many times she heard those kinds of sentences. ”I don't think it's a tumor.” House added. “First year of medical school if you hear hoof beats you think "horses" not "zebras".” said Dr. Foreman looking at his colleagues. An unimpressed House looked back at him and said: “Are you in first year of medical school? No. First of all, there's nothing on the CAT scan. Second of all, if this is a horse then the kindly family doctor in Trenton makes the obvious diagnosis and it never gets near this office. Differential diagnosis, people: if it's not a tumor what are the suspects? Why couldn't she talk?” “Aneurysm, stroke, or some other ischemic syndrome?” Dr. Chase ventured, knowing it was impossible to guess at first try. ”Get her a contrast MRI.” House ordered. “Creutzfeld-Jakob disease?” Dr. Cameron asked, unsure of herself. “Mad cow?” Dr. Chase said, impressed. “Mad zebra.” House replied. Dr. Foreman tried again. “Wernickie's encephalopathy?” “No, blood thiamine level was normal.” House was now beginning to have serious doubts whether his new doctor was really cut-out for the job. “Lab in Trenton could have screwed up the blood test. I assume it's a corollary if people lie, that people screw up.” The boy held promise, no doubt. House nodded with a very slight smile. “Re-draw the blood tests. And get her scheduled for that contrast MRI ASAP. Let's find out what kind of zebra we're dealing with here.” 

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