"What Jung is really driving at is that individuation requires that we are conscious in broader contexts about the choices that we make. In making these choices we are inclined to privilege our inner preferences, even if they ̄y in the face of what society regards as `normal' or acceptable behaviour. In so doing we opt for authenticity over social or cultural expectation and personal need over social conventions. The downside to this is that the comfort of the collective, the easy life of fitting in and going with the ̄ow, is abandoned in favour of the personal struggle to be fully ourselves. For Jung, this call to individuation is a vocation. Indeed, Jung thought that when the individuation process was made conscious it took the form of quests, heroic tasks, labyrinths and other maze-like forms. He comments:
The words, `many are called, but few are chosen' are singularly appropriate here, for the development of personality from the germ-state to full consciousness is at once a charisma and a curse, because its ffirst fruit is the conscious and unavoidable segregation of the single individual from the undifferentiated and unconscious herd. This means isolation, and there is no more comforting word for it. Neither family nor society nor position can save him from this fate, nor yet the most successful adaptation to his environment, however smoothly he fits in. The development of the personality is a favour that must be paid for dearly."
House - The Wounded Healer on Television
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