Nunca vi este livro à venda em nenhuma livraria tradicional, o que me entristece um pouco...
A minha curiosidade só aumenta de cada vez que olho para a capa, porque Mark Twain é daqueles (E)scritores que merecem receber uma carta, um elogio dos fãs! Infelizmente, nasci tarde demais para isso...
Parece que toda a gente escreveu a Mark Twain, (entre crianças em idade escolar e poderosos homens de negócios) o que muito me alegra! Este livro, compilado por R. Kent Rasmussen, é o testemunho do quão amado por todos Twain foi e continua a ser nos dias de hoje (excepto por aqueles que eram a favor da escravatura).
Havia alguns exemplos de correspondência no site onde li sobre este livro.
Deixo-vos com um "gostinho" destas cartas que são um mimo!
Havia alguns exemplos de correspondência no site onde li sobre este livro.
Deixo-vos com um "gostinho" destas cartas que são um mimo!
Dear Sir: —It seems that this world would not be satisfying unless one person were allowed to express gratitude and thanks to another. It has struck me as wrong that I should go on and not say to you what I feel.From my boyhood, when I was kept from play by my interest in “Tom Sawyer” and “Huck Finn,” till now, your books and stories have given me more genuine pleasure than those of any other author. I think so often of the many pleasant hours you have given me and have made up to me the lack some times of pleasant companions. Mr. Clemens, please accept this in the spirit that it is sent for the intention is good.My wishes are that you may for many years continue to cheer the sorrowful and make burden bearing easier.Yours Respectfully,
Henry E. Barrett.
Dear Mark Twain:Writing this letter is one of the pleasantest duties I have to perform before leaving for “Hell or Hadleyburg” — which the doctor tells me must be soon now.In fact I’m living beyond my time, — because he said Oct 15 was my last day “on live” — The only reason I didn’t die on that date was that I wanted to read your latest story in Harpers. Some people see Naples and die, — I prefer to read Mark Twain & die. I’ve never seen Naples, — and dont expect to. I’ve read almost everything youve written, — and when I finish your whole output I’ll give up seeing Naples and die happily without that privilege.But —I want to thank you for all the pleasure your books have given me during many years of confinement to my room. Life would frequently have been dull indeed had it not been for the companionship of Huck Finn, Col. Sellers, et al.When I get to Hell the greatest torture that I will have will be the possible knowledge that you shall have written something else I shall not be permitted to read.Yours gratefully
Benj Ochiltree.
Dear Mark Twain:Ever since I read, in my childhood, my first story from your pen, it has been the great desire of my life to meet Mark Twain.Now, I am a woman of five and thirty, and the years are flying, and the goal of my desire seems to recede as I approach. Yet, strange to say — strange, because nearly all childish desires change in the lapse of years — the desire is still as strong within me as ever it was.Once I saw you. I was only a child — but I marked that day with a white stone. You were driving, and it was all I could do to keep myself from running after your carriage and crying, “Please, Mr. Mark Twain, stay long enough to speak to a little girl who thinks you are the greatest man on earth.”I am sure I should not have so much self control now. But youth is so hopeful of opportunities. — You must be overwhelmed with such communications as this — and yet. The longing is still great within me to run after your carriage and cry “Stop long enough to speak to a little girl who still thinks you the greatest man on earth.”Cally Ryland
Há até as respostas de Mark Twain aos seus admiradores:
Dear Miss Ryland:I am thankful to say that such letters as yours do come — as you have divined — with a happy frequency. They refresh my life, they give it value; like yours, they are always welcome, and I am always grateful for them. SincerelyYours
SL. Clemens
Mr S. L. Clemens,Dear SirI wonder if you would care to hear how much my husband & self appreciate your books. We have been married 4 years & I have bought him one of your works each birthday & at Christmas. He is never tired of reading them & they keep him at home many a time when he would be out at night He reads them aloud to me & I enjoy the reading as much as himself. The reason I am writing is to beg a favour of you. Would you be kind enough to give me your phota so that I can give my husband a surprise on his next birthday? We have one hung up that I cut from a paper but I should dearly prize a real phota I dont seem able to come across one here & we arent so well off else I might if I was rich. My husband earns £ 1/-per week as a booking clerk on the railway. We have a little boy six months & his father says when he is older he will tell him about poor little Huck & Tom Sawyer. Perhaps you will be too great a man to answer this & grant my request as we are only humble cottagers. I trust Ive done no harm writing. I have just been reading some extracts in our paper copied from your articles in the “North American Review” I am sorry you lost your daughter Susy you seem to have had a lot of trouble in your life but you always come up smiling. This seems a long letter but I will have to pay 2 ½ to post so I will get my money’s worth. The only thing is I am sorry you arent an Englishman & more especially a Lancashire man, perhaps you will put this in the fire I hope I have a phota from youI beg to remain
Yours respectfullyEdith Draper
Duas semanas depois, o autor respondeu-lhe:
I will comply with pleasure, dear Mrs Edith. My secretary will choose a photo which will go handily in the mail & I will autograph it. Indeed I shouldn’t regret it if I were an Englishman –& particularly a Lancashire man.Sincerely YoursS L . Clemens[enclosure, written on a photograph of Clemens on a rocking chair:]To Mrs. Edith Draper
with the best wishes of
Mark Twain
New York
My dear Mr. Clemens: I have seen in the New York Tribune this morning that to-day is your birthday — and it is mine too! I am writing to wish you many happy returns of the day and to tell you that I think Tom Sawyer is the nicest boy I have ever known.Sincerely yours,Florence Benson
(written in my best handwriting)
Dear Florence: Thank you for your nice note.[Private.] I have always concealed it before, but now I am compelled to confess that I am Tom Sawyer!Sincerely Your friend
S L . Clemens
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